Request for Physical Education Credits for Interscholastic Athletics
PE Credits for Interscholastic Athletics
Dates & Deadlines for PE Credit for Athletic Participation 2021-22 (click here)
Montgomery High School Procedure
Fall Athletes: The deadline to request PE credits for Interscholastic Athletics is NOVEMBER. The forms are available on the wall in the Counseling Office or online at under the Athletics tab, and must be signed by your Coach and Athletic Director before you place the form in Vice Principal Fletcher’s box. All signed forms must be placed in her box, not handed to her while she is on duty at break or lunch. See below for due dates for Winter and Spring sports.
PE Credit Request Due Dates are:
Fall –
Students pick up/print off and complete a “Request for Physical Education Credits for Interscholastic Athletics”.
Student is responsible for obtaining signatures from the coach and athletic director.
Student brings completed form to the counseling office and places it in the box on the registrar’s desk. Registrar will give the form to the Vice Principal for the final signature to award credits.
Students may only receive 10 credits in this manner by participating in one sport twice in two different years or by participating in two different sports. Paperwork submitted requesting more than the authorized 10 credits will be denied. Paperwork submitted without completing the required one year of PE will be denied.
Alternative Credits Toward Graduation [Board Policy 6146.1]
If a student has previously completed ten (10) credits towards the PE requirement and upon approval of the school administration, five (5) credits shall be given per season of sport up to a maximum of ten (10) credits for successful participation in interscholastic athletics.
Students shall not receive more than a total of (10) credits for interscholastic athletics participation.
Retroactive credit shall not be granted for participation in interscholastic athletics from the previous year.