Community Resources
Social Advocates for Youth provides support, opportunities and hope to children, youth and families. We are dedicated to creating and supporting a caring community where all children, youth and families grow, thrive and succeed.
We know that life has challenges, bad times, and is not always pretty. People make mistakes, bad decisions, exercise poor judgment. We do not avoid this, deny this, or run away from this. We embrace it as an opportunity to learn, change, and grow. It is easy to be with people when they are at their best, but people need support most when they are at their worst. Youth bring anger, fear, shame, guilt, anxiety, sadness with them. They need SAY for help, support, and transformation. This incredible capacity for hope and change shows us what we know: that people are amazing, wonderful, resilient, resourceful, beautiful, unique, and worthy. It is our honor to be there for them when they need us the most.
- Community Resources Downloadable list of resources on this page.
- Outside Therapist List
Free and Reduced Lunch Program
Referral Services-
- Sonoma County Human Services/Volunteer Center: 565-2108
- YWCA: (707) 565-5661
- FISH (can get food 1 x month): 2900 McBride Ln., Santa Rosa (707) 527-5151
- Salvation Army (can get food 1 x every 3 months): 33 Stony Cir. Santa Rosa (707) 542-0998
Financial Assistance-
- HCA (Rent Assistance): (707) 544-1009 ext. 1009
- Salvation Army (rent assistance): 93 Stony Circle Santa Rosa (707) 542-0998
- REACH Program (utilities support): 93 Stony Circle Santa Rosa (707) 542-0998
- Catholic Worker (rent and PG&E assistance): 465 A Street, Santa Rosa (707) 575-8343
- CAP (utility support): N. Dutton, Santa Rosa (707) 544-6911 ext.1009 (M-F, 9:00-4:00)
- HEAP (utility support): Monday-Thursdays 8:30-12:00 1-800-233-4480
- CARE (PGE assistance): 1-800-743-2273
- Sonoma County Community Services: (for Spanish speaking families) - assistance with rent, transportation, immigration issues and referrals: (707) 521-4760 or (707) 433-6652.
Job Assistance-
- Job Link Center: 2245 Challenger Way, Santa Rosa (707) 565-5550
Gang Prevention-
- El Puente (The Bridge) Choices for Change (707) 568-2300 ext. 107
Southwest Community Health Centers-
- Appt. line 303-8911 or Spanish (707) 303-3195
Pregnant & Parenting Teen Programs-
- Ridgway High School (formerly Nueva Vista); (707) 522-3291
- Adera (SCOE); (707) 524-2885
- Teen Parent Connection; (707) 565-4440
LGBTQI Support-
- Positive Images; (707) 568-5830
Domestic Violence & Child Abuse Reporting & Support-
- The Family Justice Center-(707) 565-8255; 2755 Mendocino Avenue Suite 100;
Housing Assistance-
- Catholic Charities (emergency, temporary & permanent housing support):987 Airway Ct. Santa Rosa (707) 528-8712
- Redwood Gospel Mission: 101 6th St. S.R (707) 578-1830
- SAY (Social Advocates for Youth)- emergency, temporary & affordable housing support 24 hrs/day: 1243 Ripley St. S.R. 888-729-0012
- Living Room (women’s shelter) 1207 Cleveland Ave., Santa Rosa 707-579-0138
- Community Support Network: 1410 Guerneville Rd # 14 (707) 575-0979
- InterFaith Shelter Network: 3850 Montgomery Dr. (707) 546-7907
- St. Vincent de Paul Society: 610 Wilson St. (707) 528-7580