SRCS Graduation Requirements
The Board of Education believes that the completion of an organized and sequential course of study is the foundation that prepares students for post-secondary education and/or employment. In grades 9-12, 220 credits are required for graduation.
If a student does not meet ALL of the requirements, the student will not receive a diploma, nor attend the graduation ceremony.
Graduation requirements for class of 2022 beyond
English 40 Credits
Social Science (World His., US His. Gov./Econ.) 30 Credits
Mathematics 30 Credits
Physical Education** 20 Credits
Science 20 Credits
World Language 20 Credits
Visual & Performing Arts 10 Credits
Electives ** 50 Credits
**Team Sports Credit can only be earned grades 10-12 and after 10 credits has been earned. A student must come to the main office to pick up the Request for Physical Education Credits for Interscholastic Athletics Form and turn this into the Vice Principal or the counselor.
** Electives are considered everything other class outside the above specific requirements.