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Student Information & ASB

Student Handbook below

Montgomery High School's Student Handbook is intended to provide students with an evolving document to assist them in their journey at MHS.  Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the resources available in this document.  

From A to Z about Montgomery High School

Click on me or the book to see the Student Handbook



MHS: Covid Positives

ASB Info

ASB/MHS Constitution

Instragram: @mhsvikingsasb

Snapchat: montyvikings

Google Classroom: ​​​​

Add codeevac44o

School Newspaper: 

ASB & class officer elections

ASB & Class Officer Ballot

Dear MHS Students:

Please take a minute to watch the candidate videos and vote for the ASB and Class Officers for the 2021-22 school year.   The link to the ballot will also be posted on our Social Media sites and hopefully MHS Website.  Each student can only vote once, so you will need to log in to your SRCS Google account to vote, and your email will be recorded.  All grade levels for the ASB position, and then each grade level has their own ballot based on their respective grade level.

In addition to voting for the couple of contested positions, we have included a nomination, or write in candidate, spot in the open positions.  Please suggest names of peers who would be excellent candidates for the open positions.  We will then attempt to contact them.